Membership & Initiatives
Youth leaders are addressing the issues highlighted through SOTY - through member targeted programing. Membership Requirements: Must be a household with someone under 25 as a resident. Contribute $2.00 monthly and serve 5 hours volunteer time MONTHLY. We provide Mutual Aid directly to young people and their families in need; in forms of food distribution, Court and mental health support, Cash Assistance, clothing, tutoring and more. We host monthly Distributions (Dorm Raids), Open Mics and Cultural gatherings to address the issues highlighted in SOTY
Alabama Chapter
History and Present
Founded in response to the senseless cop killing of Javon Ousley! In 2019, community members and young people attending Alabama's publics schools and HBCU's Formed The Alabama Student Power Network (ALSPN) . In 2021 we relaunched as YVAC. Members at Alabama A&M now volunteer inside of the our second free store "Bulldog Cafe". Our members are now focusing on College affordability , Mental Health & Civic Engagement. Ensuring that Southern Youth and their families are educated on social issues and have access to basic needs.
The YVAC Hub & Wellness Center
Michigan Chapter
The Work: Mental Health, Restorative Justice, Food Security
Located on the EASTSIDE of Detroit The YVAC Fund operates the Districts first Restorative Justice Hub and Free Store. Providing the access to mutual aid essential and more. Youth and Community Members opened a Wellness Center directly behind the school to serve as a community center and gathering space for local organizers. We host monthly dinners, trainings, & cultural gatherings. In 2023, The YVAC Fund partnered with @Buildimg Beyond Barriers to Launch the My Mental Health Matters Campaign. The campaign aims to empower and equip youth and adults with the tools needed to promote mental wellness through awareness events, training and panel discussions.
Black Youth Organizing Coalition (BYOC) HQ
Pennsylvania Chapter
The YVAC Fund & BYOC
In 2021, The YVAC Fund Launched SOTY. Since then we continually use mutual aid to alleviate the issues exacerbated by the COVID-19 Virus. From Housing to Food insecurity, were supporting familes naviaget these harsh systems. In 2023 we Launched BYOC to galvanize young leaders from across the state. BYOC is a Supportive infrastructure for black youth organizing against injustices in Greater Pittsburgh. BYPOC intends to align the work and create a network of support for the work young people are doing across the region. We aim to share training, strategies, tools & supplies, and funding resources , We are comprised of Organizations, Groups and Individuals. We are pulling all of our resources together to save our neighborhoods, schools and community as a whole. Issues impacting young people, should have solutions from young people. NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US .