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The YVAC Fund

Supporting and Enabling the Next Generation of Leaders, our organization is dedicated to funding, building and maintaining the momentum of the upcoming generation of leaders. NOTHING ABOUT US, WITHOUT US!

Our Mission

The YVAC Fund is dedicated to funding, empowering, and restoring faith for Black youth, other youth of color, and their families. Through transformative storytelling, solidarity economy practices, and investment in alternative solutions, we support these communities in reaching their aspirations, meeting basic needs, and challenging dominant systems.

YVAC 2022 Young Justice Retreat

Marrygrove College | Detroit, MI

State Of The Young (S.O.T.Y)

The State of The Young (S.O.T.Y) was established in 2021 to clearly identify the priorities, challenges, and aspirations of BIPOC youth nationwide. Today, it serves as our "North Star," guiding us in making culturally responsible investments in our communities.

Learn more about The State of the Young Initaive, The S.O.T.Y Expanse & Response Fund, Listening Tour + Some raw data finding by clicking the link below!

The YVAC Fund

What We Do: Creating Alternative Systems

The YVAC Fund uses The State Of the Young or SOTY- A story telling tool we created in 2021- to highlight young peoples experiences with social issues. Using SOTY as a norht star we connect, fund & develop young leaders from across the country. All who are committed to driving progress on issues that affect underrepresented youth. Our goal is to create independent systems that can help sustain underinvested communities.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels

Our State Chapters

In 2021, following the pandemic; the YVAC Fund Launched The State of The Young or SOTY tool. This tool elevated the stories and experiences of BIPOC youth in cities all over the country. Highlighting their experience navigating issues like mental health, Over policing, Food insecurity and more. Now were building in three different state to amplify those stories and create alternative solutions.

Wayne County - Michigan

Our Co-founders hometown and birth of our Restorative Justice work. Young people and familes are leading a free store and Community wellness center. Providing recreation, training and basic needs to Metro Detroiters.

Madison County - North Alabama

The Founding Chapter & HQ of The YVAC Fund. Founded in response to the senseless cop killing of Javon Ousley! Led by Community Members and young people attending Alabama's publics schools and HBCU's. YVAC Members at Alabama A&M Volunteers inside of the Bulldog Cafe. Our second free store. Located on Campus.

Allegheny County - Pennsylvania

The birth place of SOTY! Led by community members, artist and young leaders from the mon-valley and Greater Pittsburgh area. Providing Monthly Distributions, Training, court watching & Candidate forums for youth and their families.

Mud-Roots A term we created to rightfully depict the image of our base. To intentionally highlight young people who are currently getting the blows of systemic racism, poverty, and other economic disparities.

Values & Principles

YVAC DEFINITION " A ALTERNATIVE INFRASTRUCTURE CREATED WITHIN COMMUNITIES TO SUSTAIN THOSE IN THE ECOSYSTEM." The YVAC Fund's rapidly unique approach to mutual aid empowers young people to create their own alternative systems in their own communities! breaking the dependency on historically harmful systems.

Mutual Aid & Abolition

Our Organizing approach differs from traditional political organizing (exploitive & Transactional) . Through year-round engagement that provide requested social services, civics education sessions, community-led conversations with candidates, key stakeholders and relational-cultural gatherings; We aim to bridge the gap between young people, resources, and social-economic justice by refocusing our relationship with the community and how we advocate. We seek to meet basic needs for the youth who engage with our programs.

Education & Organizing

Through our partnership with Building Beyond Barriers - A black led organization providing trauma recovery and emotional support to women and youth impacted by trauma, We host Bi-weekly peer support tables , a trauma and mental health hotline for youth, and direct training to be trauma informed first responders.

Restorative Justice & Trauma Informed Care

Contact Us

Got questions? We're here to help! Reach out to us today.